Thursday 5 July 2012


During the Easter hols I was fortunate to be asked to run some workshops at the Into Christ Consciousness gathering at Findhorn. I thoroughly enjoyed running the workshops; I also loved being present for many of the other sessions during the gathering. And what interested me was that what occurred outside of any of the official sessions and workshops seemed as valuable - if not more so - than what ocurred inside them. The after-session hanging out with friends and contributors, the sharing, musing, walking, celebrating that occurred unoffically was as profound as what occurred officially. And it happened in the gaps between events.

A similar thing happened a couple of weekends ago at the Solas Festival. I loved the music, the talks, the debating, the soul space workshops and running workshops. And what I loved even more was what happened in the gaps between them, when I found myself talking to someone I'd never met before over a meal; or when someone introduced themselves to me and shared something with me; or when someone came with a question; or they hadn't been able to come to my workshop, so we did a mini-version over coffee!

So I'm re-evaluating how I value the things I do. The 'official' things are valuable.....but they are not more valuable than the 'unofficial' things that occur in the gaps.

It's the same with my own life. It's so easy to put a huge value on the 'doing' of things, and less on the gaps of 'being'. One of my current aims is to consciously create and value my own gaps, those times when I don't plan anything, when I choose to sit in silence, when I allow something else of, maybe, even greater value, to come into my life.

I'm becoming a lover of gaps.......

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